Computer-brain, loads of tabs and hyper-sensitive?

[Spring 2022] 

While I was doing a clean-up at the park on Saturday I listened to a podcast that interview people whose life was changed by the Three Principles (like it did for me). This time the interview was with an American called Sam Led. He talked about ADHD and how the Three Principles helped him around this. Well, I slmost cried when I listened to some things he said. And then again when I listened to more episodes on his podcast.

It just all felt so familiar! I was diagnosed only at 35 after having my first son, when I was about to finish my PhD. So I didn’t grow up with thoughts about it and having this define my stories but I am seeing now how it could have helped me to understand what’s going on there – having a computer-brain that’s on the one hand really fast and on the other hand has so many windows and tabs open at the same time.

It can be so confusing. I didn’t know that this type of brain also has to do with hypersensitivity - your senses quickly go into overload as your emotions, feeling quickly overwhelmed and exhausted and often feeling sadness and anxiety. It’s like there’s a prehistoric component there inside, always vigilant, looking for risks and dangers and it feels like it almost never stops. 

When we don’t know that our brain does this and that everyone’s mind make generalizations and stories, it’s really easy to get entangled in all these non-stop thoughts. They feel really important. And when you go there, it’s inevitable you feel more stress and anxiety and go into fight, flight or freeze mode and essentially feel stuck and exhausted and don’t understand how come you are so bright and intelligent and at the same time that you just don’t understand how “to do life”.

I don’t have all this as a coherent explanation yet to share. But it’s just that as I heard Sam speaking, I felt a sense of relief. Like someone really gets me and is able to tie for me Three Principles things I know and have experienced with the experience that I now understand has to do with the type of brain I have.

I don’t know what you hear in all this. I still don’t know if I’ll do anything with all this in relation to my work though it’s quite clear to me that many people I know who want help getting unstuck and stop procrastinating and fulfil their potential, tend to overanalyse and overthink and go into anxiety and I suspect they may have the same kind of brain type. I just know there’s something here for me to explore and help people with too though I don’t know how it will look yet.

For now, I wanted to share this a little about all this because it may help you understand yourself and your experience of life a little better so you suffer less and feel better, and at the end that’s what I’ve always wanted – help alleviate suffering and help people feel better.

If you resonate in any way with something I wrote here, please reach out and let me know. Let’s find out together what we can make of it!


Small Things To Feel Better Now