Small Things To Feel Better Now

[Written in Spring 2022. Still extremely relevant!]

It's difficult to write today without addressing the war in Ukraine and yet, anything I can say sounds like a cliche. We'd all like to do something, change this situation and we can feel so powerless against all this. We want to know that we are contributing some good to this world and doing something positive and regenerative. Yet, when we follow all the thoughts we tend to call "negative", our state of mind tends to go down too and with it we find ourselves worried, anxious, despaired and so on. We get restless and impatient. Not exactly the vibe we want to give out to the world... It's so human though. 

It helps me to see that we can do plenty of small things that even if we may dismiss them and have no idea what they contribute and may never know, they can bring some good to the world. Like that woman who smiled a big smile at me as I was cycling with my daughter after picking up my new pair of reading glasses. She has given me so much!  Or I know when I am doing my litter picking in the street, even if I am not feeling all butterflies and rainbows, I know I am doing something that is making me feel good and makes the street look nicer. Some people say "thanks" as they pass by and I know they feel better too. 

I can send a message to a friend to ask how they are doing and show I care. And deep in my heart, I know that in these times we have to turn to wellbeing, inner peace and joy as much as we can so we can help the world, even if this feels counterintuitive to how we grew up learning to worry as a sign of caring.

Will you decide with me that when you feel your heart getting heavy and the worry comes up to thank them for reminding us to turn to peace and wellbeing? Or just take it as a sign to turn our attention to something lighter which will actually help someone or something?


Computer-brain, loads of tabs and hyper-sensitive?


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