5 Transformative Podcasts
I listened to all those mostly between 2017-2022 and they’ve had huge impact on me, colleagues and my clients. I am sure you can find your gems there too!
Michael Neill – Caffeine for the Soul
Through his books, I was introduced to the Inside-Out Understanding in 2017, and I liked it so much that I attended his Supercoach Academy Program in 2018-2019 and certified as a transformational coach. He releases a short episode—less than 10 minutes—every week.Nicola Bird – A Little Peace of Mind
When my daughter was born in 2017 I just walked around with her, listening to Nic’s podcast, where she interviews both teachers and clients and later published also lovely shorter episodes. This has gradually shifted my perspective and gave me loads of aha moments. She’s also published a great little book and just keeps on doing wonderful things in the world.Dr. Amy Johnson – Changeable
Especially the earlier episodes, where she talks about habits, how to change them, and how deep transformation really works. When the pandemic started she did a talk you can find on youtube which is even more valid today - aboutJason Shiers – Misunderstandings of the Mind
Each episode features an interview with a teacher or coach on a specific topic. I love his interview with Mavis Karn about worrying.Videos and recordings of Sydney Banks
Sydney Banks was a theosopher and philosopher, an ordinary man who in 1973 had a profound enlightenment experience and began sharing his understanding of our experience of reality. His teachings sparked deep transformation in those who listened, who then passed it onto others, changing even more lives.You could say that people who engage with his work experience a sense of “coming home” to themselves, feeling more at ease, more in harmony with life as it unfolds in the present moment. Every teacher and coach I’ve mentioned here has learned from him or from his students. You can find his teachings online, for example, on Youtube and recently his books were recorded and uploaded to Spotify for free. They are not good literature but they spark loads of insights!