5 Days Change Your Relationships With Money And Yourself
Join me for 5 days to change your relationship with money and yourself. It will require about 30-60 min. of your day, depending how much time you dedicate to the exercises we will do.
For a few years I’ve been learning about creating a business in a joyful, fun, creative way but recently something profound has shifted. It’s like I found some more instruction manuals for how humans work! They must have fell behind some cupboard decades ago and once I started decluttering they showed up again.
I’ve started building my business in a way which respects how my brain and inner battery work (instead of trying to change myself!) and give me the flexibility and freedom I need and the impact I want to create in the world.
I've been following a bunch of smart, creative and impactful women teachers, learning immensely and very importantly implementing! AND I want to share what I am learning with YOU and not wait until I am an expert (otherwise I’ll only be a theoretical expert, no?)
I’ve been learning about the financial side of business, like how to price for profit, marketing, and selling.
I’ve been healing wounds that hindered or blocked using my voice to express what I really want to share and letting myself be more visible - wounds that have to do with self-worth, fear of rejection and fear of receiving support and money. It’s all connected and it’s difficult to say what’s the one absolutely necessary component for YOU because it is all tied together.
However, I do know that something profoundly shifted after a short period of time. I’ve started to feel and act differently, I’ve also been selling every day, making easy decisions that are aligned with my values and ethics, working with new clients and colleagues that came into my life recently and have had a surprising amount of money coming in for a few hours of work.
Something here is working and it’s definitely a combination of practical spirituality and taking small steps that accumulate. As you are creating more directly what you want and express it more easily in your way, you save a lot of time and instead of wasting energy, have more momentum. Just a short while ago I'd be really embarrassed about writing all this in this way.
I am not going to give you strategies or instructions on how to suddenly make lots of money or how to love yourself unconditionally. I will help you go through some excerices which can bring about powerful instights and inner shifts and help you find out what are simple action steps you can take to continue the shift and the deepening of the insights and change.
You don’t have to be sat in front of the computer for that at a specific time. I will go on live on a private Facebook group at 9:30 Berlin time every day. it will be amazing if you join me live but you can also watch the recording and do the exercises when you have the time or peace of mind.
I intend to do at least a couple of rounds of this workshop soon. The first one will be in Hebrew - starting Monday, March 10th, 9:30 Central Europe.
There will also be one in English soon. Now is the best time to join - register already and enjoy this price point.
Sign up if you already know that you want to join or send me a message with any question (this way I also know what info to add here)!
5 Days Change Your Relationships With Money And Yourself
Join me for 5 days to change your relationship with money and yourself. It will require about 30-60 min. of your day, depending how much time you dedicate to the exercises we will do.
For a few years I’ve been learning about creating a business in a joyful, fun, creative way but recently something profound has shifted. It’s like I found some more instruction manuals for how humans work! They must have fell behind some cupboard decades ago and once I started decluttering they showed up again.
I’ve started building my business in a way which respects how my brain and inner battery work (instead of trying to change myself!) and give me the flexibility and freedom I need and the impact I want to create in the world.
I've been following a bunch of smart, creative and impactful women teachers, learning immensely and very importantly implementing! AND I want to share what I am learning with YOU and not wait until I am an expert (otherwise I’ll only be a theoretical expert, no?)
I’ve been learning about the financial side of business, like how to price for profit, marketing, and selling.
I’ve been healing wounds that hindered or blocked using my voice to express what I really want to share and letting myself be more visible - wounds that have to do with self-worth, fear of rejection and fear of receiving support and money. It’s all connected and it’s difficult to say what’s the one absolutely necessary component for YOU because it is all tied together.
However, I do know that something profoundly shifted after a short period of time. I’ve started to feel and act differently, I’ve also been selling every day, making easy decisions that are aligned with my values and ethics, working with new clients and colleagues that came into my life recently and have had a surprising amount of money coming in for a few hours of work.
Something here is working and it’s definitely a combination of practical spirituality and taking small steps that accumulate. As you are creating more directly what you want and express it more easily in your way, you save a lot of time and instead of wasting energy, have more momentum. Just a short while ago I'd be really embarrassed about writing all this in this way.
I am not going to give you strategies or instructions on how to suddenly make lots of money or how to love yourself unconditionally. I will help you go through some excerices which can bring about powerful instights and inner shifts and help you find out what are simple action steps you can take to continue the shift and the deepening of the insights and change.
You don’t have to be sat in front of the computer for that at a specific time. I will go on live on a private Facebook group at 9:30 Berlin time every day. it will be amazing if you join me live but you can also watch the recording and do the exercises when you have the time or peace of mind.
I intend to do at least a couple of rounds of this workshop soon. The first one will be in Hebrew - starting Monday, March 10th, 9:30 Central Europe.
There will also be one in English soon. Now is the best time to join - register already and enjoy this price point.
Sign up if you already know that you want to join or send me a message with any question (this way I also know what info to add here)!